Have you ever walked into a room and felt overwhelm by the amount of stuff it contains, or opened a cupboard or drawer that is busting at the seams and thought, where do I start?

So imagine you are small and you have those same sort of feelings but don’t understand what to do about it or you can’t communicate to an adult your sense of being overloaded!

By giving children too much stuff and particularly having it all accessible, we are imposing a sense of burden as they don’t know what to play with so they pull it all out, and then feeling even more anxious because now it’s everywhere and its just overwhelming.

With our simple tips we can reduce their mess and your stress and hopefully they will learn imaginative play again and not be reliant on only toys :)

Have limits:

  • Give each category of toys / belongings a limit. For example one small container of cars, one drawer of socks and underwear. When that container or space if full, you must declutter and remove some items to make room for anything new that is coming in. Be realistic in the size of space and try to keep them relatively small as children really don’t need that much stuff.
  • Kids should learn the one in one out rule early, the younger the better. You are teaching them to manage their own spaces and be selective about what they keep and value. If their birthday or Christmas is coming up, start the conversation in advance to reduce any tears or tantrums about letting go of their stuff. Chat about the toys they have and whether they feel that it may be time for them to have another home with a new little boy or girl?  If they are not ready to let go then maybe have a conversation with family and friends on what sort of gifts you would like to receive. Activities and outings are always a great substitute.

Clear containers:

  • When it comes to bedroom décor for our little ones, it is easy to get caught up in the latest fashions and styles, but they just need it to be easy. Having clear or semi clear containers without lids makes finding and putting away their belongings easier. Lids can be a hassle for adults so adding two extra steps for little ones is exhausting (taking lid off, replacing lid). Decide what is more important, less stress over packing up or making their room look Insta worthy!  You can have both to a point, but one will always win out and I know which is more important to me :)


  • I am a visual person and most kids are too, seeing a picture or a word on something, makes things so much easier. By labelling their toys and clothes containers with a both word and image you are creating more success of them learning where things belong. Even children as young as 12-18 months can associate with an image and can be taught how to pack up when they are finished with something.

Being part of a family is a team sport and not solely the role of one or two parents to keep things in order. By implementing a few simple steps you can keep a lid on the excess and get your children started young on helping out and being mindful of clutter.

If you would like some more specific help on your own situation, give us a call and we can chat further

For a more details on how to wardrobe clutter, read our previous blog

Our motto is “little and often” to keep the clutter down in your home and life.